NZ Vision for Interoperability (VIP) Finalised


NZHIT_Interoperability_Vision_Doc_v1.0 Dec 2016 NZHIT_Interoperability_Vision_Doc_v1.0 Dec 2016 (897 KB)

Hi Everyone

Your NZHIT Board met yesterday and have ‘signed off’ on the attached Vision for Interoperability.  This is a fantastic achievement for everyone who has been involved in this process and signifies a significant step towards enabling a healthier New Zealand.  Many of you have commented that the united commitment that has been shown by everyone during this process has not been experienced before.  We have sent a very clear message about the leadership role we’re playing in the sector and the VIP is an example of the high ground we’ve taken in this regard.  The Ministry of Health is very supportive of what we have achieved within a relatively short space of time.  I will be working with them in the early New Year to create a combined view and way forward so that we can have a collaborative, private-public approach to the principles involved in achieving interoperability.

2017 is certainly going to be an important period where we must work hard to take what we’ve articulated in the VIP and turn it into reality.  This is absolutely achievable as the message that I got from all of you during the workshops and the feedback messages is that there is a commitment, willingness and ability to make interoperability happen.  Your “build it and they will come” attitude is exactly the energy needed to power the next phases of this initiative.

Many thanks to all of you who have contributed so much of your time, resources and energy to this initiative – we’ve only just started but this first step has been a very big one indeed!

All the best for a well-earned break over the coming Christmas-New Year period and I look forward to working with you in 2017.

Kind regards

Scott Arrol
[email protected]

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